A Jewelry Mystery?

I purchased this ring about a year ago. It has a pictograph hallmark (light imprint). As I was rummaging about online on Saturday, I came across these 2 current listings for stickpins that closely resemble the design of my ring! Thanks for your input!

Questions for the forum:

  1. Do you think my ring is a conversion from a stickpin?

  2. Do you think my ring is hallmarked for Allen Pooyouma (Hopi)?



Typically stickpin heads are smaller in size than rings. Unless a great job was done removing traces of solder on the back, your ring looks like it was made as a ring.


@StevesTrail Thank you for this insight. Good point about stickpin heads being smaller ~ I hadn’t considered that.

Looks like the same maker and maker’s mark. Kool ring.

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I really like this ring; the “pottery” on it is so interesting.


I think it may be Allan Pooyouma! Hard to be sure as your hallmark is faint, but the hallmark appears to match and style wise it’s a match to these pins with clearer hallmarks. Good one, he is quite collectable. I also really like the pottery design, which I haven’t seen before. I think yours was always a ring.