Pretty ring. Where did you get it from and when?
Cool ring. I’d like to know more also since I have a pendant that looks similar.
P.S. I accidentally flagged this post and don’t know how to remove it.
So I found this mark - not exactly right, but similar.
But it’s confusing, because the only thing I could find on the artist from IMO trustworthy sources is that he is a carver (granted, I only did a quick online search).
I’m wondering if this hallmark is wrongly attributed on the Amerindian site? Can anyone find it in one of the hallmark books?
@Ziacat I checked my Hougart’s NA/SW Hallmarks book for this pictograph hallmark. Did not see it in the “Symbols” section of the book. There’s no “Harry Bert” listed, either.
Thanks. He’s definitely a Native American Artist, but it seems like he mostly works in carving, so I suspect the Amerindian site may not be right on the attribution of the mark. The weird thing is there’s oodles of stuff online with this hallmark all claiming to be his work, even things that remind me of this ring. But I can’t find anywhere that he makes jewelry. And everything I found online was on sites like Etsy and eBay, although I didn’t look extensively. When I get a chance maybe I can dig a little further.
I got ut probably 15 years ago a friend gave it to me for a bday gift, and i have no idea where he got it
I saw that one and it is different, so I put it on here to see if anyone knew. It could be fake??
I really have no clue - it may just be that the Amerindian site where I found the hallmark got it wrong; it has some errors. And yours does look a bit different. Your ring’s maker may remain a mystery.
Thank you for your help. I love the native American jewelry, rugs…especially if there is a mark, signature… then i get excited because I love the hunt and when i do actually get a history onba piece im in heaven lol.