The wall above my kitchen sink.
The former owner did the tile work. I think it is very unique and beautiful. Reminds me of the Palimino Quarter horse we had when I was growing up.
Photo was from sales listing in 2015.
The wall above my kitchen sink.
The former owner did the tile work. I think it is very unique and beautiful. Reminds me of the Palimino Quarter horse we had when I was growing up.
Photo was from sales listing in 2015.
What a beautiful creature. That must have been horrible to have him have a heart attack there.
It absolutely broke my heart. He was 17 but didn’t look it at all. Our Vet was always amazed at that. He was definitely a people horse too - a super sweetheart
I’m so sorry! When I was in high school our husky died of a heart attack at home, and there was nothing we could do about it - that helpless feeling is so awful. But I absolutely cannot imagine what it would be like with a horse.
That picture is so sweet. Is that your little girl and your hubby?
Yes, our daughter and my husband. Our son was only a couple of months old, so no horse rides for him.
JaC had his heart attack right as Carl roped his steer and he went down when Carl cued him left. I’ve never seen cowboys move so fast as to get him off Carl’s leg as he tried to struggle up, cut the rope on the steer and give him horse CPR at the same time.
Great photo, your JC is was a handsome guy! So sorry…always hard to loose a horse. I’ve had to euthanize a number of our pets, but watching a huge noble trusting horse go down is, IMO, the worst. I’ve never seen a horse go down and die while in action. Unfortunately, CPR is pretty much impossible on a horse unless there is a veterinarian on site immediately to administer drugs. As you can imagine chest compressions to massage the heart are pretty much useless as the chest wall is so heavy (unlike smaller animals) and gaining an airway in these circumstances is impossible. I have heard of people essentially bouncing up and down on a horses chest, but the chance of success is grave. Glad everyone tried; it’s terrible not to be able to do anything. Thanks for sharing your story.
I think they felt like they needed to do something for him and knew it ultimately wouldn’t change the outcome. - we’ve had 2 horses live to 35, so feel lucky in that regard, they transitioned from rope horses to landscape horses.
Ha! We’ve been there too! We had acouple that lived into their 30’s…They deserved to live out their final years out with their heads down at pasture!
My boss mare Appy is what people around here call a pasture pet or hay burner. She could probably still be ridden. I did try to find another home for her a couple years ago. The only interest I got was from meat dealers, so she is still with me.
I love her to death and we have a special bond.
Our last horse “Hollywood” had a therapeutic barn interested in him, but he could get a little bucky when the mood struck, so we were never really comfortable with the idea, as well meaning as it seemed. He got his nickname from Ben Johnson having roped off of him in some charity event many years before. He was a sweetheart, one of our 35 year olds when he passed. He’s buried on a wheat farm in Pendleton.
So sorry for your loss @RedlandMaggie. What a beautiful and sweet boy; it must have been so terrible to loose him like that.
It’s interesting to hear your veterinarian perspective on equine CPR @Bmpdvm. When reading Maggie’s post I was thinking I’ve never seen or heard of anyone attempting it, and I couldn’t really imagine it would be effective based on the physics that would be required to achieve effective compression. That being said, Maggie, I’m sure that your husband and his friends wanted to do anything they could to possibly help JaC in the moment.
I have, unfortunately, seen a horse go down in competition, and it is awful to watch.
This equine discussion reminded me of our experience with a therapeutic riding program. When he was 30+ we “leased” our wonderful little buckskin, (Buck, of course!) to Project ride. It brought tears to my eyes to see these disabled kids riding and becoming attached to these horses. I’m sorry acouple of these pictures are not very clear, but this sweet little girl who couldn’t walk, loved riding Buck.
Buck in his prime when our 9 yr old son was riding him:
Hearing all of these wonderful stories makes me really miss my horses. I think I’m going through withdrawals. For those of you who have horses, please go give them an extra hug for me.
A few years ago we were driving a back road on the NM part of the Navajo Rez, and these lovely creatures posed for me. We were somewhere between Gallup and Shiprock.
Not the best photo, but here is my Ms Regal Satin, AKA Satin. She will be 25 years old this May. Still acts like a filly at times.
Satin is a total Appy most of the tyme. She has the smarts and attitude.
She is about 65% Appy and 35% Quarter Horse. Has an awesome pedigree.
Lately, been having fun making horse themed jewelry.
These are nothing fancy and inexpensive. It takes me less than 5 minutes to make a pair of earrings and 10 minutes for necklaces with multiple charms.
Note: I am not trying to sell these here. I only sell local and not mail items. Just sharing something horse fun I am doing.
After being absent for awhile with a family commitment, it sure was a pleasure to come back and see some beautiful horses.
Here are our three boys followed by a prayer that has hung in our barn for nearly 60 years. It’s long, but worth your time and I dare any horse lover to get through it without shedding a tear.
It’s great to have you back, Tom. I find few things are comparable to the company of horses. Whether it be in the saddle or simply holding down the fence and enjoying the view, there is nothing that comes close.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful trio and the wonderful prayer, it was more than worth the time to read it.
During World War I, an estimated 8 million
horses perished serving alongside soldiers in battle. In 1916, 650 soldiers came together to form a massive horse-shaped tribute, honoring the sacrifices of these majestic animals. This powerful image symbolized their service
and the deep bond between soldiers and their steeds.
You are so right! This prayer points out some, but not all, of the things done to horses for the benefit of us humans. And the end statement is so true…I totally agree with the importance of ending the suffering of any animal when it’s “time.” Seeing your horses out at pasture with their heads down warms my heart… the way it should be!
And @Ravenscry, thanks for pointing out the sacrifices and importance of horses in our history. That tribute to their service is unexpected but heartwarming.