I know the manufacturer. Gonna let the photo’s do the talking here. Love to know a value…and if the stamp is truly reflective of the silver content or if a marketing gimmick??
Coin silver is 90% so 900 is right providing the bracelet tests as that. It has that Harvey Era look to my untrained eye, but it sure has an abundance of different figures and stamps. I hope you’ve done well!
Seems like I just saw one of these. New piece made by a guy in Prescott, AZ. Is this the same guy?
This one is old and listed in Hougart’s. Novelty company back east I believe.
Seems like it was this guy https://www.google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=886&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=snG-WseZB8mqjQOKibq4DQ&q=old+style+navajo+jewelry+Jock+Favour&oq=old+style+navajo+jewelry+Jock+Favour&gs_l=psy-ab.3...61294.61294.0.61565., used that same (or something similar) coin silver stamp on the piece I saw. Found a mark that Arrow Novelty company used that is like this. The company was from New York.