I am looking on info about a few items I have just come into from my grandmothers estate. pics incl. any info would help and much thanks to all!
Very Very Nice! Are there any hallmarks or engravings?
no hallmarks I can locate and I’ve been over them pretty closely! there are a couple scratched in initials of past owners I’m guessing; ‘I C’ for one. there are also a couple of spots on the open stretches of silver that look to have coin edges in them…the old bezel edge and maybe some letters. I could be mistaken about this though. both sets are VERY heavy! 10 lbs to 12 lbs each necklace! not something u’d be likely to wear daily lol I have done a bit of research online but I have thus far been unable to locate anything much like them, so I really appreciate an help anyone could give!
They are absolutely lovely! IF you can take photos of any markings like you mentioned; it will go along way in getting responses in this forum. Try and take all of your photos again in natural outdoor light if you can.
Regardless what you may find out from this forum, you should look to have them valued professionally. I think the first step would be an acid test to ensure the medium is silver. After that pay to have them valued. I am quite sure you wont regret the cost!
getting the silver quality checked in the next couple days…i’ll fill u in on the results!
Am I reading correctly, 10/12 pounds weight of the necklaces?? They are lovely but I can’t get past this detail… maybe a typo? Please enlighten😊