Hello! I just wanted to say hi and I’m glad that I found this site. I’ve been interested in Native American jewelry for a few years and have put together a small collection. I’m trying to educate myself but I’ve found it hard to find quality detailed information so this will be a great resource! I’d also appreciate recommendations on books you guys have found particularly helpful. I love vintage stuff but I definitely still struggle with identifying what is high quality, real and authentic.
I’d also love to get your opinions on some of my peices and help identifying hallmarks so look for my posts in some of the other forums.
Welcome to the party! Here is a quick list of the books I use. Tons of stuff on the internet too.
Hallmarks of the Southwest - Barton Wright
Native American and Southwestern Silver Hallmarks - Billie Hougart
American Indian Jewelry I 1200 Artist Biographies - Gregory Schaaf
American Indian Jewelry II A thru L - Gregory Schaaf
American Indian Jewelry III M thru Z - Gregory Schaaf
Reassessing Hallmarks of Native Southwest Jewelry - Pat & Kim Mesier
Thanks! I’ll have to invest in one or two of those books. What is the difference between American Indian Jewelry I and the II-III set? Do they just cover different artists?
The American Indian Jewelry series volume 1 is A thru Z, volume II A thru L, volume III M thru Z. Volume II and III will have many of the artists that where in volume I, but will have additional and more in depth of the artists they feel are important. Also, I understand Schaaf is working on a masters series.