I can’t make out what’s stamped here. Looks southwestern to me- maybe custom 70s? What do you say- NA?
The design looks like vintage mid-century (not NA). Also has a Jensenesque look to it. Might try researching Scandinavian makers.
@singing That’s a lovely black onyx pendant & earrings set! I don’t believe that it’s Native American made, though. The calla lily design & the feature (added on later?) to hold the earrings securely to the ear lobe don’t come across to me as NA. In my opinion, this set is made by a Mexican artist.
@StevesTrail and @Patina thanks for the sugestions. This one has been tough- lol, how it goes but I will work some more on it. Will update if i find something.
Any ideas on what the maker’s mark reads?
@singing The 1st photo - if you turn it upside down (word sterling will be upside down), it looks to me like the maker’s initials are “SJ”. That’s just what I see.
I thought the same thing @Patina and checked my manufacturing references but nothing. Looks better as SJ.
Thanks I think SJ is correct- no luck though lol.