I am here to learn

Ahhh - i see what you are asking! The best place to ask these questions is probably the “identifying and discovering” category - it’s the broadest and usually has the most wide-ranging, or general, questions. and by all means, post a new thread whenever you have questions you can’t find the answer for in previous threads. when you post a new thread, the site is smart enough to tell you that your proposed topic or subject line is very similar to others, and will even provide links to them so you can read them before posting your new thread, if you wish. This is a small enough community that most of us will just click on the “latest” or “unread” topics rather than go by the categories anyway.



Thank you, Jemez! I like the idea of discussing a topic such as what determines value these days with Nat Am jewelry. I imagine there would be many different ideas amongst experts and non-experts alike. I know where to post now if I am so inclined, at any rate.