Is this Buckle a Elliott Qualo? Thanks

Greetings from California.
Anyone aware of this Hallmark being that of Elliott Qualo? As well, anyone have other works 2 share possibly?
Thanks 2 all, Bartleby

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Wow, nice piece! I did some research and found the following hallmark for ELLIOTT QUALO on Indian Native American jewelry marks

There are also other pieces listed on which have the same hallmark and are described as being from ELLIOTT QUALO. So I think this is a beautiful piece made by him - I suppose from the 70ties?

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I found this one online:

And here’s the mark:

I almost thought that they were the same buckle from the same source, but notice how the one I found online is missing two pieces of shell inlay from the legs! But both buckles have the same mark in the same exact area.

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Thank you Maggie.
As well, Much Thanks for taking the time. Its a very solid Hallmark. Best

They come and go. When one finds you, its always a pleasure. Thank you, you went out of your way. Very kind of you Bree.
Find any new goodies at the flea? Love to see em.
I am seperating items into sales /kept.
As I have a 26 year storage, this is a process.
Will keep u posted if still into it.
This goes for everyone on Turquoise People who has been kind & helpful. I am on Facebook as Jonathan Dearborn.
Look for Antiques, art, native items…Irish English in San Fran…thats moi.

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26 years wow! That must be a difficult task. I have not been to the flea market since my last post, work has kept me from doing so :disappointed:

And yes, I would like to look over your collection that you intend to sell, when you are ready.

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There’s quite a bit on Facebook. An entire Collection. Some for sale. Add daily. Request under name : Jonathan Dearborn You will notice the name of my old Antique Shop, Barrell Stave. I live in San Francisco, California. Hope to hear from u soon. Jon

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I will definitely be checking out your sale Bartleby! So where do you sell what you find Bree? I have an etsy shop and a brick & mortar in NE Ohio called ,
Come by or stop in if your in town anytime!