Plz help identify Sleeping Beauty squash Blossom?

Hi all! I have this squash (was told Sleeping Beauty) with a hallmark that I can’t find a match for. Do any of you have any idea who it might be? Appears to be JA or JH?

I’m also curious that while most of the stones are bright blue, I’ve noticed two have a greenish tint in the right light. I’ll try to show that (the last photo, the two center stones). Thanks for your help!


That does look like it could be Sleeping Beauty turquoise. Is that a JR or a JA?

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@Ziacat I can’t tell if it’s JR or JA. Sometimes I wonder if it’s JH. I’ve searched and haven’t spotted either in the listings. I’m stuck! Thanks for looking!

Oh, I didn’t even think of JH! I’ll try to take a look again later.

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