Steve McQueen’s daughter, Terry, who died in 1998 at age 38 along with her brother, Chad, who died on Wednesday at age 63. This photo was taken in 1982, two years after Steve’s death. Good chance Chad is wearing his father’s Rolex Submariner.
ETA: Terry is on the right. I see now the unidentified lady on the left is wear a concho belt and Native beads. Anyone recognize her? A young Sharon Stone?
I think I may have figured out the mystery woman on Chad McQueen’s right (our left) - most likely Stacey Toten, who later married McQueen, it seems to be a familiar pose in other photos - one step behind the family
Plenty of scenes from that film were shot in New Mexico, Tom. I was on the road quite a bit at that time with jewelry, and had a CB radio with an illegal 50 watt booster to keep one step ahead of Smokey😂
Hey Mike, it’s been years since I’ve seen Convoy. I need to watch it again for Kris Kristofferson. I had forgotten that Sam Peckinpah directed that film until I watched that documentary recently. That settles it. Convoy it is, for next movie night.
In my defense, speed limits were 55 MPH nationally at that time, and when you’re ranging three or four states to service customers, you just can’t drive 55