Video chat, Thomas Curtis Sr, Leekya Deyuse and other

We have a part of the site that is not well featured, so here are some links to recent articles we put there:

First, here is an article on the rather amazing Thomas Curtis Sr / Leekya Deyuse box that Perry had commissioned.

Then there is this nice piece on Gallup from Pilot Gateways Magazine this month.

And finally, we are experimenting with video chat as a service for customers. Not sure how this will work out, but for now we are offering Skype (perry.null) and gtalk ( as options. Generally we have both services on throughout the day and are pretty informal.

The best way to use the service is to chat us up. If we are available, we will turn on video and go to work. If we aren’t available, we’ll tell you when we can get back with you!