When I’m working in a different city I always try to make it a point to check the local pawn shops.
Today I found a good bit. I’ll probably return later after some research. I did pick up a couple rings that I think are Morenci and Bisbee. Also a cobblestone corn ring. I’ve seen one of the corn rings before but can’t remember where, but I like them. None are hallmarked or marked for Sterling. The round one has a really nice triple split shank.
Save some Bisbee for the rest of us, will ya?!
Yea well…Don’t leave your Bisbee just laying around unattended…that’s all I’m sayin’.
That circular one with the loopy sunburst is really lovely. Does anyone know the origin or style? I really like it! The stone looks like a prize also🙂sure looks like Bishkek to my amateur eye.
I think there was a lot of experimentation going on to see what could be done with the half round wire that the loops are made out of, short pieces folded in half to make the radial parts of a flower or sunburst pattern. It’s the same material the three small circles on the ring with the pyrite and a leaf is made out of. The same thing in a heavier gauge is used for a lot of ring shanks. You see it used in a lot of different ways.
Cool! thank you for that explanation. It’s nice to learn how this artwork is constructed. Again, I really really like this ring! This is first time I’ve noticed those loops making up a sunburst…just send it on over to me!
Just think about us poor people stranded on southeastern islands who don’t get to check out all those cool joints you get to go to. Does that sound pitiful enough?
Think I found one online though. Not a good picture but I’ve been inside sick
I also have a Jonathan Nez pendant with very interesting turquoise that I’m also wondering about.
That’s one thing about being close to a big city, there’s an abundance of pawn shops.
Hope you’re starting to feel better
I’m excited waiting on the mail which should contain the Lloyd Becenti concho belt, a large sunface inlay bolo and the Leonard Lonjose necklace.
Yes, I know the feeling. I have the USPS staff and drivers on speed dial, as well as the FedEx guy and both UPS drivers. It’s rather convenient living in a small area where most of us know each other.
Oh, I think I saw an owl inlay squash blossom. Let me see if I can find the auction and tell you.
It’s amazing some of the things that wind up at Goodwill.
It sure is. I’ve seen very expensive stuff that has gone over $100,000. I got lucky a few years ago and bought a blue tourmaline pendant for about $161.00 after shipping and it appraised for $5900.00. I have also missed a couple of sweet NA pieces.