A couple ring questions

I’ve been trying to ask these questions for days, but everytime I come here I get lost in all the posts and hours have gone by! I’ve got the blinders on and have some questions about 2 rings I found amongst my vintage costume jewelry. The first seems pretty old, but before I jump to conclusions that it may be N/A, I’d like to ask your opinions. I looked at pictures of turquoise and my guess is that it’s Royston? It is not stamped but tested for sterling.

This ring seems to depict corn or maybe a feather and the sun? It is stamped sterling and a mark I don’t recognize. Is it N/A, and do I have it right side up? As always, I appreciate all your time and help!


I’ve seen this mark somewhere in here I think… I’ll try to find it.

I love the design on the band of the top ring.

Edit: I was wrong. I was remembering this one, and I they are not the same. Sorry!

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Hi @Ziacat :wave:! They sure are similar. I can see why that mark jogged your memory. Thanks!

I really like the first ring especially. I’m not sure if it’s native? Not used to the twist style around the stone. Is it silver? Maybe Royston :person_shrugging: Pilot Mountain? Turquoise Mountain? If I keep going I’ll get it right :laughing:


The first ring looks like it could be Royston Boulder turquoise. Don’t know if it’s NA made. The 2nd ring looks like a feather to me. Both are nice.

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Thanks, @Ziacat and @Patina! It does test for sterling. Closest I could come by looking at online pictures is Royston.

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from the 5th edition better examples


I think the first ring is NA and Royston is probably a good guess on the stone. The Gibson Gene feather ring is great looking.


Thank you, @Steve and @Islandmomma! @Ziacat, your instinct was correct! I appreciate everyone’s time and expertise!

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the 2nd ring is Gibson Gene’s mark - a peyote symbol. I think he is known for chip inlay, but i have several pieces with a stippled background like this without inlay.

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Thank you @Jemez2! I also found this ring in my stash with similar, but not identical, markings on the band to the first one. I like the way they formed the bezel around the coral. Any thoughts on this one?