Anthony Bowman cuff

I was driving by a pawn shop. And…well…the car steered itself into the parking lot.
I swear I wasn’t even holding the wheel.

I walk in, and after checking out the sapphires, rubies and emeralds…this cuff jumped out of the case and stole my heart :heart:
Anthony Bowman, 72 grams, tufa cast!

The nice young man gave me a smokin’ deal, so this is the Christmas present I bought for myself.


What a wonderful string of events! Congratulations on your lovely new cuff. The contrast of “as cast” and polished is a great look.

Without fail, when I’m just ready to call the fraud department concerning a charge I don’t recollect, a random package shows up containing early Navajo worked silver, I feel I’ve fallen prey to a similar magic that overtook your car! :thinking:


That is absolutely stunning. Pretty sure my car would also have turned in there of its own accord to go after that cuff :laughing: I love the rather granular look to the tufa cast. Is that a type of fleur-de-lis on the front? So cool.

I was not familiar with his work till you posted your new cuff, so I googled him; you did well!! Now I have another artist I have to keep an eye out for! His work is amazing.


@Stracci That cuff was calling to you! Seriously, it’s fabulous :purple_heart:. Looks like a perfect fit, too. The design is wonderful and the polished area contrasted with the tufa cast creates the unexpected. Congrats!!


That cuff is exquisite and seems like a perfect fit. Does the pawn shop have an online business? I recently bought a ring from an online pawn shop. If you don’t want to tell us…it’s understandable.


Lucky duck, absolutely gorgeous!


Yes, some kind of weird juju made me stop there!


During my internet searches, I had come across this artist’s work. So when I saw the name, bells started to ring in my head.
I took a picture, and went home to ruminate on this a while, and do a little research.
I took my own advice about not passing up a good thing when I see it. I rushed back with cash, to get a deeper discount.
The nice guy then gave me another discount because I am a repeat customer!


Yes, it fits great! And because there are no stones, I don’t have to be too careful with it.
I’m stoked!


Thanks Nance! It fits great.
They do not have an online store or listings on eBay, as far as I know.


I never know what to expect from that pawn shop.
But almost every time I walk in this place, I throw down money!
I guess I just picked the right day to go in there.


Merry Christmas to you! Great cuff that you scored. Isn’t it wonderful when the car turns itself—you know something good is about to happen? Wear it in good health!


Thanks @Islandmomma !
I am very happy with it.
I always ask myself the question “will I be sad if this thing is gone tomorrow?”
If the answer is ‘yes’, then I better buy it.


Congratulations on your new bracelet! You wear it well.

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Thanks @here4turquoise
It’s my new favorite thing!
I feel fortunate that I have access to so many great sources for NA jewelry in my town.