Any help IDing Mom's old jewelry... Some good... Some not so good... would be so much appreciated

I’ve been wanting to post these items and ask for help on this forum for a while. My Mom died back in Dec. 2016 and it’s taken me four years to get to the point where I can go through her jewelry without getting too sad. Ugh.

When I a kid in the 70s, she bought some really nice pieces on family trips to Santa Fe and Taos. I’ll post those below.

Later in life she had some mental health issues that included compulsively gambling, so her later pieces were most likely bought from sellers wandering the slots at tribal casinos in Ignacio and Towaoc, Colorado, Dulce, NM and southern Oklahoma. I’ll post those in another thread in the #real-vs-fake category.


Naja with “MB” etched on the back


Harvey era Cuff?


Sand or tufa cast cuff?


I’m sorry about your mom, she had some very pretty pieces. :heart:


Thanks! She did! I loved going through her jewelry drawer as a kid.

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Navajo sandcast naja with silver beads, nice. I know of an artist that does this style of work named Marcus Begay, however initial hallmarks and this traditional style could be attributed to a number of people. Harvey era cuff has a great look and looks to be handmade opposed to pressed, nice. Another classic Navajo sandcast bracelet, nice.

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Wow! Thanks so much Jason! Those are some finer details I wasn’t sure about. I really appreciate it.