Any idea what mine this turquoise came from?

I’m not sure what that stone is, but it isn’t turquoise. Maybe some others on the site will have some ideas.

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A photo of the entire necklace and back of stone setting might help with ID.

By the limited photo, I’m guessing green opal (Madagascar) which is a hydrated silicate mineraloid.

I haven’t seen this stone before. I agree with others that full photos of the necklace, front & back, could be helpful. Taking a lead from @StevesTrail, I looked at non-turquoise stones online and came across (Green) Tremolite cabs. They look similar to this stone, imo. One site indicated that the cabs are from Pakistan. Just another avenue to explore…

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To me it looks somewhat like Green Jasper with milky quartz from Brazil.

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@fernwood I took a look at green jasper online. What’s being referred to as Spotted Jasper looks really close to this stone in appearance. You may be onto something here.

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this “HENNA JASPER” stuff keeps showing up in my image searches



Connemara marble

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