Arturo Rivera Brooch

I picked up this pin/brooch marked RIVERA’S and STERLING. I though that the turquoise looked good, so for $30 I could not pass it up. From my research, it is by Arturo Rivera, who used to be a shop smith for the Thunderbird Shop run by Frank Patania. He later used the mark RIVERAS for all his work and produced into the 1970s for his own high-end shop on the Plaza in downtown Santa Fe.

Can anyone confirm if this information is correct? I was going to sell the pin, but because of the affiliation with Frank Patania I don’t know if that affects the value.

Please excuse the bad pictures. I made the mistake of lightly polishing it, and now it catches the light from every angle, making it impossible to photograph. Pin is just under 1 and 5/8 of an inch

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Love the turquoise. Hope the Patania connection helps value wise. My sister-in-law has an old all silver cuff that she was wondering about so I’m interested in seeing the responses your post gets.

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I hope so too! I love Frank’s work but can’t afford his pieces. It’s nice to enjoy this piece for a short while instead.

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I have one small cuff with what I think is Persian turquoise. From the hallmark I’m pretty sure it is Frank Jr. Think he’s in his 80’s by now. If I remember correctly he started with that mark in the sixties. I also wish I could afford some of Frank Sr’s original work.
We just have to keep dreaming about coming across fantastic pieces from sellers who either don’t know or don’t care. :wink:

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@Islandmomma have you posted it?? I would love to see it!

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I think so but it has been so long that I can’t find the post. I’ll look for the picture instead.

Apparently I didn’t take a picture of it because it had a hallmark that I could research. Here are today’s pictures. I’m thinking the Thunderbird shop from about the 60’s. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


Bump for visibility :slight_smile:

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