Beautiful Turquoise, Silver & Coral Scallop Shell Necklace With Heishi

I have inherited this beautiful Necklace (28" long) with silk cord tied at end. It is a real Scallop shell inlayed with Turquoise, Sterling Silver and Coral (I think). Heishi is made of Turquoise and another stone which I am uncertain of - maybe coral (but it is rather a brownish red).
Does anybody know something about the origin of this piece and if the heishi was handcut? To me it looks rather old and might have served in ceremonial use. I would say it is from Santo Domingo Pueblo but as said before only guessing. I am really not an expert. It is just a beautiful piece and I would like to know more about it. Please share your thoughts with me…


This is a beautiful necklace. I would also call this Santo Domingo. It does appear to have some age. We get these necklaces from Bryan Tom, he is half Navajo and half San Ildefonso. They are very popular. The reddish brown stone is not coral, it appears to be pipe stone. I see this style on Wright’s Gallery in Albuquerque, they are closer to the Rio Grande Pueblo tribes. You searched for Santo domingo - Wright's Gallery You might scroll through their inventory to get an idea of prices.