Blessed with Maidens

I don’t normally buy fetishes, I prefer they find their way to me. But these really spoke to me and I was lucky enough to get them for a song. I have some ideas on who made them but I would really like to know what the values are so for insurance purposes.

Butterfly Maiden made from Elk Antler, Marked MC I think this is Michael Cheeku…

Seashell Maiden has marking but I can only make out Quam.

Fetish Owl Marked as Derrick Kaamasee Not sure the stone type


Oh you lucky man! The butterfly maiden is spectacular! Any Quam would be good. The turquoise bear I have is by Abby Quam. And owls are just plain cool! Congratulations!

Those are absolutely beautiful! What incredible finds!

Very nice. Each one is beautiful

Oh my Goodness! All of them are beautiful, "I love the Conch shell… I love all of em’