Blue turquoise

Any guesses on the mine origin? I’m kind of considering this simple modern-ish cuff

I would call this a piece of Chinese.

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Thanks! I thought it might be…I’m just happy that I can start to guess onto the right continent🤪

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Hi @Jason
here’s another that I think I really want
I really like this non symmetrical cluster style
Please tell me if this is from an American mine.
What era?
And what a reasonable price might be…Thank you!

This looks nice, it is kind of hard to get a feel of the turquoise with the image so dark, but I have seen Morenci look like this. 1960s - 70s, it depends if they know what they have. The turquoise if sold as loose cabs could be around $400 depending on carat weight.

I like this one, it looks older to me. Maybe 60’s? Just a guess. Did you end up getting it?

I did! And I Love it…now I want a Zuni dot-dash type but I think am going to cool my jets a bit. I’d really like to buy it in situ and get closer to the artists. I think a trip to NM is in order.:grinning:this is so very addictive

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Since I am seeking something to retire on (:stuck_out_tongue:) per @jason suggestion, I am seeking out deep blue with dark matrix. What do you think of this cuff? ( I know I know, I’d just just mentioned Zuni in post above…) but Me likey lots. Is it too masculine? What mine might this be? What era? And is $650 a lot to pay? Whats a reasonable price?

Thanks all


Does that have a hallmark? I like it and would wear it.

I don’t see a photo of any hallmark but the seller says it’s Manning? I’m curious about the stones …is this the desirable black matrix? Still wondering about the price on a piece sight unseen… (I really need to stop browsing the internet)

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I should quit browsing the internet also. I like the turquoise but am wondering if it is Chinese. Hubei has a similar color. The webbed look is attractive and some of the Chinese turquoise commands a good price. I hope that @Jason will give us his opinion since he’s much more knowledgeable than me. I’m hope you get good news.

I was also thinking it seems Chinese but waiting for someone more knowledgeable to chime in.

One of the things that helps us determine the mine is that cut. You don’t see American cutters making these sets of symmetrical stones. Usually when you see these shapes the cuts of been done over seas. I would call these Chinese stones and have included a pic that shows how they come with similar colors.


THanks Jason! Another piece of information to add to my learning process.

OrbitOrange and Islandmomma, you were right on. How were you able to tell? aside from the “same size cabochon cuts” Anyway, thanks! I’ll pass. I want American turquoise at this phase of my Native American cuff hunt (not to disparage Chinese stones)

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So @Jason, you’re saying that any cab with an even, symmetrical, oval cut is likely to be Chinese? As opposed to what, a cut that works around the natural shape of the stone more? This would be new and surprising info for me. I have several row bracelets with symmetrical oval stones that I believe to be American turquoise, although they are smaller stones. Maybe it’s less common for large stones?

No that is not what I am saying. We have a large number of symmetrical American cut stones. What I am saying is that this stone already shows Chinese turquoise characteristics, so we look for other attributes to help us make a decision. I would add that it would be very difficult to find an American spider web cut where you would find this collection of exact size cuts (maybe Kingman). Also, lots of Chinese turquoise has been cut in freeform shapes.


I agree. It looks like one of my chinese turquoise