Buffalo Coral

I find this an interesting piece since the leaves across the top “float”. The leaves are attached to the left of the buffalo and to the right of the coral. Can actually slide paper between the leaves and the cuff. I have not been able to find a similar hallmark and welcome ideas. Thanks.

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In Hougart’s latest edition, p. 452 in “Symbols” calls this “a shop or manufacturer mark” but doesn’t explain which shop. It’s shown next to a NAKAI signature.

Someone on eBay has a piece for sale with the same signature, but hasn’t identified the artist.


Saef - thank you for the response. I have the 2014 Hougart with nothing in it. Have to justify a new book to the wife I guess. I sent a note to the listing to see if they might know anymore. I doubt it but will provide any information I get.

Interesting that it looks like the same artist? Did you find any more on Lizard/Gecko Hallmark PAC sterling jewelry?


Thanks for posting those. I saw these on eBay and asked 2 of the sellers if they had any further info. 1 indicated it was purchased as stock from a source that has been in storage for at least 30 years. Since they look new, as did mine, I would strongly lean towards this being a shop mark.

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