Daniel Coriz Emerald Valley Necklace

This was sold to me as a necklace by Daniel Coriz made from Emerald Valley turquoise. I am having a hard time finding anything similar. Everything is Multi-stone.
It weighs 123 grams. The turquoise looks like it may have been hand shaped. The beads have flat sides and are sort of square.
Is this Emerald Valley turquoise and do you have any idea of value? Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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It looks like it could be his. Emerald Valley is a little confusing. Late 90s one of the dealers came through with a bunch of light green turquoise and called it Emerald Valley and it was suppose to be from Nevada. However, it is my understanding that a Chinese mine also exists that is called Emerald Valley. I believe this is what you have, the Chinese version.

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Based on it being Chinese, what kind of value would you think it has? Thanks