Fake Number 8?

One more question for the day. I purchased these as No. 8. In looking at them, something seems off to me. If it makes sense, it seems as if the delineation of the matrix is blurry. Then I noticed the odd, bright blue line on the left earring. I got these from what appears to be a reputable dealer with many five star ratings. I would like an opinion on whether this is genuine or a composite. I’m sorry I can’t get a more zoomed-in view. The backs are solid, marked sterling and have initials. I’m hoping they are genuine, they’re very pretty, but I did pay a good bit for them and definitely will return them if it appears they’re not genuine. I’m still a novice and don’t trust my own judgment on some pieces. Thank you.

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Could you post a photo of the back?
They look like #8 or Bisbee to me.
Very pretty.

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Or older Kingman. But my guess is authentic Chinese - huge black matrix.


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The matrix is actually brown. It was difficult to try to catch the colors with my phone but this pic is better.


@edidfly Thanks for posting the 3rd photo showing the true matrix color. Very pretty earrings! I’m strongly leaning toward this being #8 turquoise, imo.


I agree on #8.
Here are a couple verified #8 cabs I have fo0or compairison…


They are pretty earrings and look like they could be number 8 to me. The photo in the second post that shows the brown coloring of the matrix looks much more like number eight. In the end it really comes down to how much you trust your seller, as it’s nearly impossible to tell turquoise mine for certain. Was it an ebay or other online seller with 5 star ratings? Generally I take ebay ratings with a grain of salt, as very many known sellers of fakes manage to keep their ratings up somehow.