Francisco Gomez Master Carver and Silversmith

Hello everyone! Got this today! My first cuff I named it Grandpa Turquoise! :heart_eyes: I normally like my Turquiose uncarved but I have fallen in love with the face of this Brave and Wise native chief. He reminds me of Chief Golden Light Eagle of the Sioux nation whom has taught me well. Wearing turquoise makes me feel so Happy! It feels like a clear sky sunny gorgeous day! May each of you be in good health and happiness. :pray:t3::sun_with_face::sparkles:


Love the carved turquoise!!!


Thanks The details…wow :heart_eyes:

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It is stunning! Lucky you! I can hear the appreciation for this piece in your words filled with your memories of a mentor and the beauty of the sky. Your happiness is catching!

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You made my day. I have a huge :smiley: smile. Please Enjoy the sun and blue sky where ever your heart leads you friend. :sun_with_face::deciduous_tree::ear_of_rice: