Great Trading Post Guidebook

I have mentioned this book A LOT in the forum, but I’m putting it here for newer members.

As I have traveled the 4 corners area, it has been invaluable to me, and I have used it so much through the decades (literally) that it is falling apart a bit. I’m adding several pics to explains how it’s laid out.

The book gives short descriptions of trading posts, individual artists, and galleries in the 4 corners area. They are laid out by area, and there are maps (I love maps!) of the specific area at the start of each section. Within the sections there are listings of the shops with specifics on what each shops’ specialty is.

I’ve learned a lot about different Native American arts in from the book. They have a number of smaller separate sections interspersed throughout on different types of rugs, pottery, etc. This pic gives an example of how the different places are described. I had to chuckle when I picked this picture, because I realized the photo I posted in the Toadlena Trading Post topic was taken from the same spot :laughing: You can also tell my book is older because highway 666 has been renamed US 491.

I’ve included this last picture to illustrate the lovely photos the book has in it.

Unfortunately a lot of the trading posts have closed, and someone once asked me if it was still worth buying it (yes!). But there are a lot of places still open. And where it can be especially helpful now is in the listings for the cities like ABQ and Santa Fe. It doesn’t include Phoenix or Tucson, because it stays mostly in the four corners area. I believe the book is out of print, but it might be available online as a used book.


@Ziacat was able to pick up the book on EBay for $5.24 in very good condition (so they say). Have never been in that area but you never know. It is paperback.

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