Green turquoise Concho belt?

Hi all! I found this belt in a local shop and am curious what you all think it might be worth? I haven’t touched it to find out if it has a maker’s mark or “sterling” stamped. I usually lean toward sleeping beauty turquoise, but this belt definitely caught my eye. I don’t have more photos atm, but might go back this week. Thanks!

ETA: it’s $3,500.00


Really beautiful. Do you know the price (as the photo lacks the one important number before the comma)?

Edited the post to include the price. I’ll try to go back this week and find out about a hallmark

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I’ve put my hands on the belt now. It is marked “Sterling” and “DM”….maybe Daniel Martinez? The buckle doesn’t have a tongue, the belt merely feeds through over the bar with no way to “lock” it in place.
I’m including more photos here. Let me know what you guys think. It is eye-catching, but I’m not sure it’s worth $3,500.00.


It’s a very nice belt. $3,500 is probably a fair retail value for it if you’re willing to pay that amount, but it isn’t currently a bargain at that price.

Dan Martinez worked with me for many years. His work is typically more meticulous than I’m seeing with this piece, but the initials could belong to Dan or anyone else with those initials. However, unless there is provenance - which at this price range there really should be - it’s pretty much anyone’s guess.

A tongue can be made for the buckle pretty easily. Once again for the price, it should already be there.


@mmrogers Thank you so much for the quick reply. It is eye-catching, as I said, but I’m not willing to pay that much. It’s in a consignment shop.
I found similar belts on eBay after a quick search with the name; they look much more fine and most had quite a few more conchos, so I’m curious about that.

Thank you again for the info.


no picture of the mark but does the work look more like Dan’s?


Could be. Pretty work!