Hello everyone, this is my first post. I have been interested in Native American Indigenous history, culture and art for most of my life but only began collecting and wearing the jewelry this summer when I purchased 37 signed pieces from a gentleman who owns a jewelry store here who used to live in Nevada. I bought them to sell for a profit but tried some of it on and fell in love with it I sold maybe 4 or 5 items that were too small and kept the rest. Actually I’ve added quite a bit more to my collection. Turquoise appeals to my soul. I he’d never really worn jewelry before I tried on my first Effie Calavaza ring. Now I have 4 as well as 3 bangles and a pair of studs. Always looking for more, lol.
So I was born here in the states in Delaware but my folks were originally from Turkey. I moved to Tennessee, where my folks had retired, to take care of mom when she was diagnosed with dementia. Been here ever since but I will soon be traveling back and forth to the east coast, as well as a few trips out west. I’m a full time reseller, collector /dealer of antiques and I offer restoration and appraisals. Never been very computer literate, though, so please bear with me. I’m just trying to figure out how to use this forum. Actually, this is my first time posting to this type of site. Was hoping for a link, email or tech support number I can use to reach someone who might be able to help me figure out how to properly function in here?
Anyway, hello to everyone and I look forward to meeting and chatting with you all.