I can’t find any of Bennie Rations pieces with a plain BR like this on, or any other BRs on any of the online sights. Any suggestions? It also has EB64778 scratched on it. I just got this piece for my wife. It’s our anniversary. We’d love to know more about it. If anyone has any clues let me know.
Thank You
Possibly a pawn number?
Very pretty turquoise. The necklace seems to have some age, circa 1980s. I don’t believe the piece to a Bennie Ration work. The style is different. I did some research on the hallmark and could not find anything. The etched EB64778 is interesting. It is possibly a pawn number. I see pawn tickets all day long and I can’t think of a trader that uses a letter and number system like this. Richardson Trading does a three letter and three number combination and most everyone else uses an all number system. However, I have definitely not seen every pawn ticket. CIB (certificate of indian blood) numbers are six numbers, but the first number could be a 0. This could be the initials of the owner along with the CIB number. We often see pieces with names and social security numbers of the owners. It is a beautiful necklace that your wife will love to wear.
Thank you for the info. My wife is head over heels for it. Doing some research I found that an artist Brian Francisco used the hallmark BR, but I’ve not been able to find a photo of his actual hallmark. Any chance you’re familiar with his work?
Thanhs again
Could it be a driver’s license number, which my state encouraged people to put on jewelry a few decades ago? Police departments would rent out their etching tool to do so. All in the service of tracing owner in case of theft.
It would not be an Arizona or New Mexico driver’s license, neither uses this format.
This is a link to a google page with some Brian Francisco pieces. I am not familiar with his work, but a company called Horsekeeping seems to be.
Thanks for all the tips!!