Heading to AZ, yay! But need help

Yes, yes, and yes to @chicfarmer 's Flagstaff recommendations. My cousin lives in Flagstaff and I visited those places with her. The Riordan House is neat, and a very different type of mansion, being a log structure. NAU’s gift shop is a good one and carries NA art and jewelry…or did when I visited.

It continues to amaze me how much tourists ignore numerous warning signs and people telling them what not to do in national parks! Wrong clothing, lack of supplies, starting out on hikes alone at twilight, going over barriers, trying to pet the wildlife, etc. We took the hike to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park a few years ago. Mind you, this was in August, and it is a roughly three mile hike out to the arch through the desert, and a couple of pretty good sections of climbing over red sandstone. It was about 96° when we left the parking lot, and park personnel say that you add about another 25° for that red sandstone section, so it was hot.

We saw numerous people who were hiking with either no or one single little bottle of water despite signs approximately every 10 ft warning you of it. Even though we had adequate water divided among our three backpacks and were drinking and taking breaks frequently, it was still one of the most challenging hikes I’ve ever done due to the heat and we were swollen and tired when we returned. We ended up giving water to several people we encountered on the trail, because they were looking like they were in a very bad way. Hopefully they learned their lesson!


I was going to suggest you visit the funky cool town of Bisbee & then Tubac…not sure what, if any, shops they might offer you though!

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It looks like I will have to get to Tubac sometime, but prob won’t have time this trip. I have been to Bisbee once, but only had a few hours. It was a fun, funky town! I found a pretty buckle in a big antique shop while we were there.

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I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to stay at the Copper Queen when I visited Bisbee! Had the best out-of-this-world Chili Rellenos at a restaurant down the hill! Funky town is right & Fun!

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We are finally getting our trip figured out. We stay in Flag our first night, and I hope to stop in Sedona on the way up to check out a couple Native American jewelry shops, and then hike at Walnut Canyon National Monument. Next Grand Canyon for a night, and then going to stay a night at Cameron Trading Post Hotel. Yay! After that we’re going to spend a night with our friends in Payson on the Mogollon Rim. We have a few days in the Phoenix area for just hiking or whatever. We won’t have time to hike in Sedona on the way up, so we might go back and do that one of our last days. I’m excited to be able to spend time in the Phoenix area when it’s not the dead of summer, and to be at the Grand Canyon in a less crowded time of year.

Thank you all so much for your suggestions!


It sounds like a wonderful trip. Enjoy!

Oh I was hoping you’d include Walnut Canyon. I love the Island trail…all the Cliff dwellings! We did that hike years ago, not sure I’d tolerate the climb and the elevation well at my age, but you are making me soooo jealous!!! Need to hit the gym a bit more; stairmaster (ugh😬).
I’m hoping to get to the southwest Natl parks in October…hopefully before Mesa Verde closes. The Southwest in the Fall is magical…and as you said less crowded.
Keep us updated…have a wonderful trip😄


It’s been a long time since I have been to Walnut Canyon, so I’m looking forward to that. I also found a fun newly opened remodeled Rt 66 motel in Flag.

I hope you get to Mesa Verde; it’s one of my favorite NP’s. We last stopped there in '21 on the way from visiting one nephew in ABQ to see the other in Grand Junction. We stayed at the Far View Lodge on top which is the best way to do it! Just so you know, they warned my husband to be careful when he went to the ice machine at night because of the bears :flushed:

I am feeling more free to go because found out today my sister in law’s cancer has shrunk enough to have surgery!


Oooh…let me know what you think of the motel; what fun! We always stay at the La Posada, but nothing wrong with staying in Flag! I’m sure you’ll go to the Museum of Northern Arizona…another of my faves! Although I won’t tell you how many times I got lost winding my way through Flag to the museum😬
What good news about your sister in law! So many friends with cancer; always helps to hear good news!
Have a great trip, I’m excited for you🤗


If you do go to Mesa Verde, do your best to get there well in daytime and not near sunset…the curvy climbing road with a sheer dropoff is extremely scary for dusk vision! :smile:

@Ziacat I’m so glad your SIL has good health news. Go forth and enjoy!


Thank you! That will be my new motto…“Go forth and enjoy!” :grin:

@Bmpdvm I agree 100% with chicfarmer about the Mesa Verde drive! And here’s a link to the fun Flag motel.Americana Motor Hotel | Official Site Little disco balls in each room :laughing:

I enjoy finding fun remodeled Rt 66 motels. We stayed at the El Vado in ABQ in '21 and it was literally one of my favorite motels ever. If any of you get to ABQ, check it out.https://elvadoabq.com/


Have fun and good weather! Hope you find some “souvenirs” that fit your budget. Any good NA jewelry stores near San Jose/ Carmel? I’ve never been there before.


Both places look fun! We’ll definitely plan on El Valo, maybe on the way to Indian Market, or later in October!
I love the steep windy climb up to Mesa Verde, of course we’ve never done it at night😳! I’d be cautious at dusk too, hate to encounter a deer around a corner!
Thanks for all the information, it’s the best way to find new and interesting places!


We also really liked this adobe hacienda in ABQ, also.http://www.adobegarden.com/ We stayed one weekend at El Vado, and the other weekend at the other. They were completely different ends of the spectrum. El Vado is hip and happening, and Adobe Gardens was very quiet and out of the way.

My only issue at El Vado was parking was a little difficult at times, because it’s a bit of a community gathering place with some shops, little restaurant pods, and live music sometimes in the front patio area. But they were done with activity by 10:00 pm, so it never was loud during the night. And the walls were the original old adobe walls so they were very thick. My nephew came and hung out with us, and we ate in the patio area and listened to music. Gotta love it for the neon alone!

Well, I’ve strayed from jewelry shopping in AZ :laughing:


So we made it there and back without anything crazy happening while we were gone. We didn’t do everything we planned, and did things we hadn’t planned. We only got to hike a tiny bit in Sedona, West Fork of Oak Creek, due to time, but it was cool and lovely.

Grand Canyon was amazing, of course. People don’t realize if you just take the shuttle down the West Rim, get out and hike, you lose practically all the crowd, especially if you go farther towards Hermit’s Rest.

Two more pics, just because it’s the GC :grin:

We met our friends in Payson for a couple days, and did some great hiking there. We had been to Tonto Natural Bridge ages ago, but never hiked under and through. THAT was pretty cool.

Phoenix was so hot, 95-98, we did not hike the Superstitions, but headed to Prescott and Jerome. On the way we did part of the Granite Mountain Hot Shots Memorial Trail. It was an amazing hike, but we only had time to go a mile in; totally want to go back and do the whole thing. I HIGHLY recommend it (but not when it’s hot, it’s in the sun; it was about 80 for us). Trail Map | Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park

Shopping wise I pretty much spent the budget early on, and didn’t shop in the Phoenix area, but did go to Territorial Indian Arts to check it out. The lady there (owner/ manager I think?) was a joy to talk to. Thanks for that heads up, Chicfarmer. And thanks to all for all your input!

And @Bmpdvm, we did get to Walnut Canyon National Monument :grin:


Thanks for the photos! Glad you had a nice trip; I’ve never gone on a trip where we were able to do everything on the itinerary😬. Glad you made it to Scottsdale and Territorial Indian Arts…the owners, Deb and Alston are not only great folks, but knowledgable and have been in the business for a long time. Anyway you went to some of my favorite places, looks like perfect weather at the GC! Be sure to show us some of your purchases😄


Beautiful pictures and sounds like a great time! I’ve never had time to hike in Oak Creek and looks like I am definitely missing out. Hopefully will get to go back some day and try out some of these trails. Glad you had a good time. It’s hard to stay on itinerary!

Just for fun, here’s Mather Point last year when we went to the GC.


I drive by El Vado once in a while!
I didn’t realize it was such a nice place


The motel Americana was just too fun. It was quite chilly, so we didn’t hang out outside in the evening, but they had hammocks, tables, and little firepits so that would have been fun (we were also really tired from a very early flight). The owners clearly thought out every detail in order to decorate it with a really kitchy cool 70’s vibe. I would totally stay there again. Brought a memento home with me (they also used these in the rooms)…


Thanks @Ziacat, I’m always looking for recommendation of great places to stay, especially in the Southwest. I’m getting more and more anxious to get back there! And, as I’m a coffee addict, I also love to pick up memento coffee cups/mugs!