Help identifying Hopi silversmith's mark on belt buckle: turtle?

The buckle is Hopi work, I think, and the mark looks like a turtle to me. Who might the artist be?

<img src=/uploads/db1846/original/1X/89fb9e3c8d5e79586483a7d45fcb3e2e4dc98623.jpg">

<img src=/uploads/db1846/original/1X/e39172dc62f00979adf9fd9a08a0dda6ad46a029.jpg">

a couple of Hopi artists use a turtle, if you could get me a close up of the hallmark that would help me identify, thanks

That is a medicine cup, Willie Yazzi Sr or Jr, use same mark

it is difficult to see the hallmark, but don’t think that is Willie Yazzie Sr. mark

From one I had if I remember right, it said that both sr and jr used same mark. I thought it to be a turtle until one day searching out another I came across it in the Hallmarks book. Then googled him as he is Navajo I believe but works in the Hopi style.

Here is a discussion on Willie Yazzie, from the picture above I don’t make out the Yazzie hallmark.

it is hard to see, but it has the striped hand and the marks across the body identical. I thought I had a close up of it but it matched each detail. That also is the long handle. I believe i had the article in my description. I will see if I can find it. Another gal and I were discussing it by email.

here is what I was looking for

<img src=/uploads/db1846/original/1X/883e1ee8e73657c345cebb18ea1ff826e8538601.jpg">

That is it, but I don’t get that from the buckle, right? When I zoom the picture I see a turtle.