Help in identification of these pieces, Andrew Dewa?

I have a couple pieces signed AD. One is a bolo and the other a matching buckle. The books I have indicate these to be made by Andrew Dewa. But I cannot find any of his work that looks like these.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I am new to this.


There are two eBay items that look like this for sale by the same seller, attributed to Andrew Dewa


Unless you’re that seller? :wink:

That would be correct. I have had a collector contact me stating he thought it was from a Dishta family member.
I cannot find a Dishta that hallmarks their work AD.
I want to be correct in what I am offering.

Maybe they are thinking of Charlotte Dishta? From Google search, looks like “C. Dishta” is her hallmark.

I will check out her work. This set that I have is old. I bought it from an estate sale and was told that the original owner had this custom made.
Do you know of any good books on Zuni jewelry?

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From my mother, I got a 3-volume set published in 1975, “Zuni: The Art and the People.” I forgot we had it but found it on a visit to her house. The photographs are wonderful, but they usually don’t depict hallmarks. I think I read in the book that the artists who cooperated to help with the book didn’t want their hallmarks reproduced, fearing forgery. It’s a great book but of course it’s a snapshot in time, and not all-inclusive.

I am still learning myself. Others can probably recommend excellent books on Zuni Work. I believe there is a Japanese author who’s written a series. I have looked at those on Amazon & eBay but haven’t made the investment yet.

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Hello, thanks for sharing. Can you tell me anything about the pieces? I am most interested in is when you acquired, new or used? The pieces look to be in great shape without much wear? Andrew Dewa was known for his figures, but it does not mean he couldn’t of made something this style. He has been gone for some time and the age of this will help us decide.

Greetings Jason,

I picked these up from a company that handles estate sales in Kerrville, TX.
The information I have from them is the gentleman was in his 90’s and purchased the pair in New Mexico.


Hello. I love the work on the buckle. I have something which has a similar pattern. with a cast appearance tho. the etched in letters are not something I could find. any ideas. Your Mothers book sounds interesting, do you think you might check this etching? due to the pattern I had guessed Navajo… as in rug pattern. I see Zuni in it now. Many thanks.


That is a nice looking ring.
Saef is the one that has the books. You can ask if you go and look at the conversation string and find Saef.

Thanks and have a great day!

I’m almost certain these are Charlotte Dishta pieces. If you are interested in selling them, please contact me I am a big fan of her work. Anne Dishta is a family member of her’s but her style is different than what you have here. I’m including a photo of my ring and belt buckle marked C. Dishta

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Thank you for contacting me and sharing your pictures. I have had another person contact me stating they thought my pieces were from the Dishta family. These are stamped “AD” . The “AD” hallmark I could find was Andrew Dewa. I have also seen similar pieces sell on eBay that were attributed to Andrew Dewa as the maker.
I am not sure about selling them. I have had them on eBay for sale. A bolo exactly like the one I have just sold for $192.00 crediting Andrew Dewa as the maker. The tips on the string were different though. What is a fair price for the set? I have $350 in them.