Help me identify this cuff and ring

hi there, I was hoping someone had some info on the makers of these items. I have searched all over and can’t find any similar makers marks, or info. On the cuff, could someone help me identify the center stone as well? Thanks so much


They are both very nice.
I cropped and sharpened the marks on them.
Maybe this will help with ID.


Thank you so much. Hoping someone can help :slight_smile:


They are lovely! I had no luck with the hallmarks. I’m wondering if the mark on the cuff could be the owner’s name. It is always an educated guess on turquoise origin without provenance. That being said, It’s interesting that the center stone is so different from the side turquoise. I feel like I always default to Kingman, but… something about the webbing seems a bit different. However if I had to guess, I’d say Kingman.

Welcome to Turquoise People!

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@Lakin Welcome! Nice grouping of turquoise jewelry. I especially like the ring on your “ring” finger. Sorry, no idea about the hallmark on the other ring. That’s a pretty bracelet. My opinion about the center stone is that it’s possibly #8 turquoise.


I wondered about Number 8, but I’m not as familiar with that turquoise. I’m thinking you may be right…


Think I may have found the artist


I’m more inclined to agree with your first guess of Kingman. It looks like Turquoise Mountain Kingman to me.

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Congratulations! Glad you found the artist.