Most always, if I hit the “reply/arrow” button to reply directly to a member’s post, their avatar doesn’t show up in my reply. But, I see that it works that way for others. (Once in a blue moon it’ll work correctly for me .) Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting I need to change on my end? (This “issue” has resulted in me starting my posts with the @ symbol & the person’s name.) Thx for any help you can provide!
Hi Patina,
The same thing happens to me. I think if you reply to someone using the reply arrow in their post and you are the immediate next post, the avatar does not appear.
If you click the reply arrow in someone’s post and you are the second or later post, the avatar will appear.
Thank you @TAH for your explanation/understanding about how the forum works. Sounds like it’s programmed this way & not user error. (btw, I hit the reply/arrow button to reply to you just now.)
I have had this issue for some time now.
I will test it now…
Testing…testing… testing
I think you are correct!
Same, same here. I think it’s like Tah said. Drives me nuts. Is it only that way on phones? That’s what I use.
@Ziacat Same deal on the laptop. So tediously I edit my post to add the @person at the beginning.
So now it occurs to me this should be a thread in the Meta section.
I hear what you’re saying about Meta though I’m not officially reporting this as an issue. Since @TAH provided an explanation, and it appears to work as such, I feel I can now follow this (illogical) process. However, if y’all consider that this thread would be more appropriate in the Meta category, please feel free to move it over (I don’t know how to do that). Thx.
Same on my desktop computer! Thanks for the explanation @TAH