Hi! Was wondering if anyone can tell me the
artists name on this money clip. I think the end it says’79. The first part almost…looks like Shrek or Shale? Would that ring a bell to someone? Thank you so much!
I guess noons knows thank you though
Maybe it says Shaun? Could be the name of a previous owner
Looks like Shaun to me. This is a very unusual money clip. I am not sure it is Native American made. The etched name is not a known or recognizable artist and it could be either the maker of the piece or a previous owner.
Can we see the front view? It may read Shawn. Kinda looks like the “w” is not completed.
Yeah the second one is much better
Fun piece : ) Thanks for the pictures. I wouldn’t say this is handmade. Looks like a power grinding tool was used to make the figure.
This looks like compressed or composite turquoise, which is basically mushed together off cuts and crumbs with adhesive/epoxy to hold it together. I think you can buy huge chunks of it from the kingman mine. when they add colorants and metals, they call it mojave turquoise. I’ve never seen native carving in relief quite like this. Impossible to say if native made or not.