Hi everyone, I'm new here and to jewelry in general so i don't know much and would like to learn:) Can anyone help me identify if this is real Turquoise? Thank you in advance 😊

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This appears to be dyed Howlite rather than Turquoise.


I agree with @mmrogers . Plus, you have to watch that wire wrapped jewelry. Most that I have seen is done with inexpensive stones and IMHO by people that either are unable or do not want to take the time to learn proper metalsmithing.


I know many who make their living wrapping jewelry. They also make the cabochons. They are professionals at this and have done it for many years.
Some of their pendants sell for over $100.00. The cabs are awesome, as is the wire wrapping. they are 100% transparent with the cabochons and the wire used.
Some of those I know also do amazing metal work.

I agree that the above style is very amateur, compared to . what professionals make.