How old do we think

The naja is 2.5" as are the conical beads it is 30" the bach has a name scratched in it looks like yazie larraine or Larramie the yazie could be yazzie the z is doubled over bought from the department of the interior in DC in the 80s by a woman who worked there in the gift shop where they sold new as well as old pawn and it looked this way when she got it so it was older when she got it.


IMHO, 70s - 80s, best guess.


It was old in the 80s so we know ist older

PS I wear it so it got a shine

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I’m sorry but I didn’t follow what you meant in the first post: “it looked this way when she got so [implying therefore] it was older when she got it.” What in particular does “this way” refer to as indicating it was already older when purchased?


Sorry about that the woman I got it from bought it when she worked at the department of the interior in DC in the 80s. The woman worked in the gift shop at the department of the interior building where they sold new as well as old pawn this is a piece of old pawn that they had and it looked this way when she got it. Nicely worn and loved

never mind

[fa so la ti do extra characters]

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The stamping is worn off in

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Great old beads, especially the elongated double taper beads. They’re certainly old, wish I knew more about when these were made!

As well I love it I wear it daily since I got it for my birthday this month reminds me to create beauty in these desperate times


I’m with you; we all need those items that make us smile or appreciate special things in our lives!


Yeah will definitely be wearing it tomorrow going to cano burning memorial and naming. sprinkle the love around


*Canoe burning. I can’t spell spell

Beauty*ful!!! Do tell if you find more info…

@Steve I had to look up the word “tubule” as I haven’t seen it before. Pretty amazing that you located a necklace that’s almost identical to the necklace posted in this thread. Hopefully, all this info is helpful to @Lessonslearned.


Very cool thank you!

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