I just acquired this beauty, Any thoughts on the actual price of this Old Lander Blue ring?

Yasu has that ring for sale in Japan :thinking: right now on his website I’m hoping that they didn’t lift the picture because I believe it’s about $6000, $250 just doesn’t make sense



It is not the same ring but it’s the same type of work, thank you!


I see you intend to contact Bob already.

It’s either from that same artist on yasu site or it’s a copy but worth 250 bucks to investigate

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I have been told everything from old inventory in safe of jewelry store, to actual stone cutters of 70s lander verified it, on and on then when you drill down on whom and will they sign this etc. they dissapear. You have to wonder if its real deal why not take it into any jewelry store and make 20x what you just paid for it, this makes the statistical likelihood super low, but still fun to hope!