I need some help determining the value of my pendant. I don’t know much about this stuff, but any information would be helpful.

I this pendant at an antique shop a long time ago, but I never really wear it and I was looking to sell it. I did some digging online to see if I could find it’s origins, and maybe determine it’s worth, but I had no luck. I don’t know anything about jewelry, I don’t even know what kind of stone this is, nor do I know how to tell if it’s real silver. But anyways, I’m really curious about it now. Any help would be lovely :slight_smile:

I would call this Navajo, sterling silver and possibly something with plant fossils https://www.google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=895&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=4AGtXOOlIufWjwTd2IjgAQ&q=cabachon+with+plant+fossils+in+them&oq=cabachon+with+plant+fossils+in+them&gs_l=img.3...16866.18211..18465...0.0..0.107.697.7j1......1....1..gws-wiz-img.N2gSSB_j0TM? $35-$45