Identifying gem origins: New Orleans antique silver turquoise cross pendant with spiderwebbing and new Parisian turquoise pendant

Hello, I have two pendants I would like help with please! There is so much wonderful information on this site. Thank you in advance for your help!

First: supposedly purchased from a “witch’s estate” in New Orleans by a family member. I’ve tried to read about the different types of spider webbing in turquoise and to me this seems like it might be Egyptian or Persian stone? When I run my finger over the stone I can feel the raised edges of the spiderwebbing–it isn’t smooth. I tried to show the stone as best as I could in the photos but I’d say the webbing is a golden brown, not quite red. There are no marks on the silver indicating a maker that I can see.

And second: I just purchased this new silver pendant from an antique/reproduction boutique jewelry shop while I was in Paris last month, and there does not seem to be any veining in the stone at all. So, I can’t tell if the stone is a Kingman / Sleeping Beauty or if it is just fake! I paid about 75 Euro for the pendant which I guess about 88 USD. There is a mark on the back of the pendant with the .925 for the silver and that’s it. The stone shows blue through the opening in the back of the pendant. Also, the stone seems to have marks on it where it was shaped to fit the pendant.

The turquoise in that cross is so curious-looking that I was going to guess it was marbled glass, not turquoise.

I’m not sure that piece was U.S.-made. The form of the cross would probably provide some clues. Start looking here and tell me which one is closest.

I am also leaning towards that stone being glass. But! It’s still a neat pendant! Looks like it is a Victorian piece, likely made of 800 silver. I’m leaning towards German or Prussian origin. The shape of your pendant is known as an “iron cross,” which was a military decoration introduced by Kaiser Wilhelm in 1813. The cross shape repopularized during the Franco-Prussian war from 1870-1871. I think your pendant dates just a bit later than that.

As far as your second pendant is concerned, we see a lot of pieces like this that are manufactured out of China. A way to tell if you have faux turquoise is the “hot needle test.” Heat up the sharp end of a sewing needle or safety pin over an open flame (candle or stove), get it red hot. In an inconspicuous place, gently but firmly press the tip of the needle into the stone. If the needle leaves a small puncture mark, it is faux turquoise. If nothing happens, your stone is genuine.