I have an old inlay fire bird pendent - Wondering which Tribe it would be from and how old it might be? I couldn’t find any markings and there is no silver - the back is black wood or stone.
measures 3 inches by about 2"
Thanks Liz
PS - I have a picture how do I attach? or I can send a email?
Click replay then the upload icon . This will let you upload the image. Looking forward to seeing it.
I got it. You think of this work as Santo Domingo Pueblo jewelry. They are often referred to as depression era birds because they come from this time period 1920s - 40s. The black is mostly likely car battery, and except for that inlaid chipped turquoise everything else is not real material. This is a link to a google search https://www.google.com/search?q=santo+domingo+inlay+records+bird&biw=1904&bih=1018&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjexty28qPPAhXJxYMKHVaABvUQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1#imgrc=v7E6PJI6BWsT3M%3A
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for your quick response and information. So I have a Thunderbird not a (fire bird)!
Great to know the history - I have had it since I was young and now I be on the look out for a necklace to match it!
Take care