I recently won this piece at an auction. Does this look like Ithaca Peak turquoise? The image is one from the auction site. I will try and include more when I receive the piece. Please let me know what you all think.
saw this earlier on an auction. Given the chain it is on and stamp work I would call this very Modern. I wonder if it is even American Indian. The S star sterling hallmark is not familiar to me. Should it be from this hemisphere; Looks too “golden” for Ithaca Peak. I would lean towards Blue Gem or Morenci. Be nice to see it in natural light. Otherwise I am like 65/35 leaning chinese. I would of course defer to the pro’s.
I stopped bidding on that one, be curious about the value versus the $278 you paid for it.
It is worth to me what I paid, more than I wanted but just less than I was willing! It will be a Christmas gift for my wife and I know she will love it. Sorry that I outbid you. I really enjoy the pieces you have acquired and shown here. The chain definitely looks Asian and the bail probably also. I too could not fihd anything about that hallmark. The Naja could very well be a Chinese copy, I hope not, but in the end if my wife likes it, that is all that matters to me. When it arrives I will try and get some photos in natural light. Thanks for your input, your knowledge is always appreciated. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!
Where is the hallmark? I know that a star next to an “S” is the hallmark for Silver Expressions, which sells Phillipines-made inlay pieces.
Is it the same as on this ring?
Thanks saef, yes that looks the same. Oh well, looks to be a Phillipine made piece, live and learn. Here is the hallmark.
That’s the important thing with Turquoise pieces! The eye of the beholder is a powerful thing I have pieces in my collection that are treasures more to me than their value, it would be hard to choose one of these over another using only Value. If you every get a chance to go see one of these bead and jewelry shows at conventions around the country, then go. You will get to see what is being done in other parts of the world, I think you would have paid more for it at one of these shows, so I believe you still did well. Most of my buying is for resale, which is what caused me to drop out around $70 dollar mark. Lord know I have well over spent on items that I wanted more for myself! I think your wife will be well pleased, and that in itself has great value! Happy holidays!