Looks like Jason Livingston’s hallmark, hopefully someone else can confirm this. Those single- initial hallmarks are the hardest! Sorry for the bad photos, the hallmark was difficult to capture.
Close ups of the hallmark:
Looks like Jason Livingston’s hallmark, hopefully someone else can confirm this. Those single- initial hallmarks are the hardest! Sorry for the bad photos, the hallmark was difficult to capture.
Close ups of the hallmark:
Hi there, instead of Jason Livingston it might also be James Livingston. Look at the hallmark I found where the sterling stamp is followed by the “J”:
But I have to admit I am not familiar with their style of jewelry and not an expert. Just an idea.
Pre coffe. Has what U call that "Liquid Silver " look. Makes me think 1970s. Early 80s. Thin, but shiny with that Dusco, Dico Era center Stone.
Then, I could be 100% off, no coffee yet.
Thanks for that, I did not know there was a James Livingston. Time for more researching!
Yes, I felt that it had a very “hippie” vibe to it. You are most likely correct, in saying that it is 70’s/80’s. Better get that coffee in
Hippies? Where! Most recently aquired Hippie Bolo. Representing Father Peyote, upon bulb growth from underground up to above button. I’ve been posting these as I aquire them in another topic area
This is so great! I wish more people appreciated bolo ties! Fun fact: The bolo tie was designated the official neckwear of Arizona in 1973, and is also the state tie of New Mexico and Texas! When I was living in NM, it was acceptable to wear a bolo to a job interview in place of a tie lol
Adding my question here since there was already a topic established about this artist. Is this cuff Jason Livingston? I don’t have a book to research, but some things I’m seeing online do look similar in style. If so, what are your thoughts on the age and turquoise? What do you know about Mr. Livingston? It’s a BIG bracelet!!
That bracelet is as big as your arm. Definitely matches his style when you do a google search. Sorry, I do not know anything about him.
@Jason maybe I can get a second one and be Wonder Woman for Halloween. . Yeah, it’s huge…about 4.5 inches long! I’ve never had any bracelet anywhere near this large. Hope I don’t end up smacking somebody in the head with it (including myself). Ha.
Thoughts on the turquoise? Could be different types but I was leaning towards Kingman. Thanks for weighing in.
I think that Kingman would be a good guess.