Jet Necklace attributed to Doris Coriz but pendant stamped N Coriz - any thoughts

I have been looking for a jet necklace similar to the attached. I was not necessarily looking for a pendant, but I could use it with other necklaces so that isn’t the problem. I am confused by seller who says it was made by Doris Coriz, purchased from her at Zuni, and the pendant appears to be stamped N Coriz. I am not aware of a relationship between the two and also find it odd to purchase Santo Domingo jewelry from Zuni, unless there for some sort of Indian Market. Anyone have any thoughts as to the mixed artists and coming from Zuni? I wish I knew as much as many of you, keep coming back to learn more. Thank you.

D Coriz Pendant stamped N Coriz


I’m gonna guess the seller is just confused, or forgot where they actually got the necklace? Maybe the pieces didn’t originally come together and the necklace was one artist and pendant the other? But that doesn’t explain the seller saying it was purchased at Zuni Pueblo. I don’t know that some shops at the Pueblo don’t also carry some Santa Domingo pieces, but the seller says it was bought from the artist directly?

I like the black heishi also, and was looking for one years ago. I bought one at the Eiteljorg Indian Art Market.


@biker4all I’m guessing this Kewa necklace was purchased from a Zuni based gallery/shop. I haven’t been to Zuni in years but there are multiple gallery’s that sell jewelry from other pueblos. Jewelers sometimes bring their their pieces directly to the shop, so it could have been bought in Zuni. I don’t know if Nestoria is related to Doris, but Doris could have brought other family pieces along with her jewelry to sell.
Did you find this necklace at Zunilink? They carry a lot of Kewa jewelry.


Thanks for the explanation Bmpdvm! I’ve never actually shopped at Zuni, but we did drive through a couple times.

Funny, if that picture in the link hadn’t stated the necklace is jet, I would have thought it was copper; must be the lighting they used for the photo.

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There are a lot of jewelers named Coriz from Kewa Pueblo.
I think Nestoria signs her pieces “N. P. Coriz”


This is Nestoria Coriz. I have three by her and only the Gaspeite one is signed. When I posted it in private group to get information her daughter messaged me and asked me if I could call her phone that afternoon. I ended up talking to both Nestoria and her daughter and they are delightful. They also confirmed a silver and jet necklace that was attributed to Daniel Coriz but not marked (son).
My marked necklace is almost identical but with different materials.


As a sidenote, I met Nestoria at the Santa Fe Indian Market. Her other son is Rodney Coriz, a personal friend of mine.
He created these pieces, shown below.
The whole family are amazing artists.


These are such beautiful pieces!!! We were thinking of going back to Northern MI next summer, but maybe I need to go out west again and shop!


Those are beautiful! Some day I will get to that side of the country and get to actually meet some of these people.


But Islandmomma, you are great at finding awesome pieces anyway!!


Thanks. While we have this post with people knowledgeable about the Coriz family, I have a necklace that the seller couldn’t remember the makers name. I thought it might be Rudy Coriz. Can someone please give me your opinion?


Thank you all once again for your thoughts and responses to my puzzlement. It seemed odd to be buying Kewa made jewelry at Zuni unless there was a market there, and the attributes to the maker Coriz was confusing. Best part of this is that I get to see more of all your beautiful possessions and get really jealous. Once in a while I crave something in particular, have to be more frugal and occasionally the pieces just seem to find me. I guess that’s the way it is meant to be with all these talented artists.


Gorgeous! I can’t help you with the artist though. It looks heavy!


I have 3 Nestoria Coriz necklaces as well, all 3 are signed (in a fashion). The 2 other necklaces are marked on the silver barrels and pendant (N. Coriz & N. P. Coriz). This one is signed at the bottom/back above the red “border” on the right side of the large shell with an electronic engraving pen (Coriz, N. P.). Very hard to see. I was told that this is an early piece, maybe late 60’s early 70’s and was made for a friend of the artist. It is a very sturdy piece, very well made and weighs in at 284 grams (10.02oz). It is like new. The workmanship on the piece is impeccable. I wish I had a similar relationship with the artist as I would love to get more information about the piece, if she remembers it, if made for a friend who, time period, etc… I hate disceminating misinformation. Maybe I can make it down to Santa Fe this next Spring /Summer and get lucky enough to meet her. :crossed_fingers:It would be really nice to verify the provenance of this piece and talk with her.


It certainly is in very beautiful condition. I would also love to meet them.

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