Kachina or Rainbow Man Ring?

I think I saw a post with a similar ring a few months ago, but couldn’t find it this weekend.
. Found this ring at an estate sale here in CT Friday the 13th LOL. Happy to report when I put it on I only feel positive energy. I really do enjoy wearing it.
The seller knew nothing about it, It looks authentic Native American to me, but if there were hallmarks they are long worn away. The figure is 1 7/8" X 7/8" wide.
Researching online some people show this style as Zuni Rainbow Man others as Kachina. Can someone identify and explain the difference between the 2 please.I believe it is old. Any thoughts on age, maker, value? Thank you.


This is a beautiful ring. It is a Zuni Rainbow Man. Here is a whole page of them, https://www.google.com/search?q=Zuni+Rainbow+Man&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjd9PKxzqvcAhVGzlQKHdtmCMoQ_AUICigB&biw=1680&bih=887#imgrc=2I-XCmxltHuWmM:. Your ring looks like it has some age, possibly a half-century or older. If the ring can be attributed to a well-known Zuni artist they can get expensive. Kachina is a general term used for the many different types of kachina (spirits, gods) that represent something.

What a beautiful ring! Congratulations on a wonderful find.

Thank you. It was a lucky find that’s for sure!

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