M. M. Rogers Studio Critters

Thanks, August. I really had fun creating the line. I’ll post more photos in the coming weeks :slight_smile:


I finally found the necklace I had stashed away. It has a few critters…even a horned lizard…My favorite of MMRogers. I have been looking for one similar and the only thing that comes close is the rock critters. This necklace was done by Teme… which I understnd was bought out in 2007 by Navajo Arts & Craft Enterprise. Does anyone know anything about Teme and what kind of artists they had? What age this might be? Thanks!

Hi Nance. Teme’ was owned by my good friends designers Lional and Tillie McKinney. Lional is of Scots descent and Tillie is Acoma, and is also a potter. Their son is native jeweler Jonathon McKinney. Lional and Tillie employed primarily Navajo craftspeople in the workshop. Teme’ trained some of the best inlayers, lost wax casters and finishers in the industry. The shop was active from the early 70s until the McKinneys sold it to Navajo Arts and Crafts.

I talk to Lional fairly frequently. Beyond the age, is anything in particular you’d like to ask him?


What wonderful info. Thank you! I was wondering if they made a lot of these since I can’t seem to find another. Does the necklace have a name? How much work is involved in making this necklace. It looks much more involved than Rock critters Now that I found it…I’m going to polish it and show it off. I appreciate any info you can pass along.

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I’ll pass your questions along, Nance. Will message you, or have Lional contact you directly with answers.


Thank you. Also…does he know who made this or was it made by many artists?

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Likely made by a number of different craftspeople. Wax injectors, casters, inlayers, and finishers were all in separate areas of the shop working from the designers specifications. Lional always ran a clean exceptionally well organized shop, with nice amenities and even meals for his employees.

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Thanks. I had to look up wax casting. wax injectors jewelry - Bing video

And then I read this… Lost-Wax Casting: Technique, Process, and Applications | Formlabs

Now I have a better idea how jewelry is made. :hugs:


Wow…invaluable info for all. Thanks for sharing all your wisdom.


Hi Nance. Spoke with Lionel McKinney yesterday evening. I asked him about the Rock Critters line, and he’s familiar with it, and likes it, but says Teme’ didn’t produce it. His impression is that the Rock Critters line is from Gary Gordon, B.G. Mudd, a Gallup NM designer and manufacturer.

He also mentioned another manufacturer headquartered in NM with an overseas manufacturing operation who’s fond of let’s say “liberally taking inspiration” from the B.G. Mudd line.


Thank you for taking the time to ask about this and respond back. I’m a bit perplexed since the stamp sure looks like Teme and these are similar to rock critters but are different and do not have the mark. It could be labeled as Native American inlay charm necklace. I guess I will leave it at that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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