Mail-order Source For Turquiose

I live in Canada, far from the land of turquoise. I would love suggestions as to a good mail-order source for turquiose beads.

Try Fine Gems Canada. They are in Quebec and their items are not to bad. Otherwise your looking at dealing with all the US markets.

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Thank you so much, I will give them a try. I am prepared to go to US dealers if need be.

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Hi Brigid,
I live in Canada too and buy my turquoise from Bob Brucia at Nevada Gem. His stuff isn’t cheap but it’s beautiful and good quality, and since he is a mine owner, he knows exactly which mine every one of his stones comes from and provides a signed certificate of authenticity for each. He is on Instagram and has a website, as well.
He can mail stuff to you but of course it costs more since that is considered international shipping.
Or you can order and if you live close enough and have a free US shipping address, go over and pick it up.
I use Kinek which has “KinekPoints” inside UPS stores. They do charge a small handling fee per parcel (cost depends on the weight/dimensions) but most parcels are only $5.There is no yearly fee or anything like that.
There are other companies that offer free US shipping addresses but I am not sure of their names.

HI @Brigid. You may want to look at Thunderbird Supply in Gallup. They also carry Turquoise cabochons, Turquoise Natural Shape Beads - Thunderbird Supply Company - Jewelry Making Supplies

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