Man's Cuff with Unusual Hallmark

I’m looking for any information on who designed and crafted this piece and maybe what it is worth? My brother passed and left things for me. I know he traveled to Santa Fe and Albuquerque a lot. Thank you for your help.


Wilson Begay, Navajo
Nice Cuff!


Thank You!! You are the first person to respond. I have some beautiful pieces I will have to sell; this being one of them.

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Do you have any idea what this cuff is worth?

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a similar tufa cast cuff


your cuff was made by Wilson Begay, Navajo and some artists are more sought out than others and will be priced accordingly

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I guess I need to find someone locally who can appraise all of what I have. Ed traveled to New Mexico often. It would not surprise me at all if he paid handsomely for what he wore. Ed was a sculptor of Native American Indians. He had one particularly splendid warrior that I would have loved to have owned. He was majestic. He worked in bronze. Steve, you’ve been a big help to me. Once I get these items appraised, I will give you first options.


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our host Jason from Perry Null Trading would be one source I would highly recommend.

google search source link <<<<<<<click


I was looking through his site realizing that what I have looks similar to some of what is there. I will do this!!


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Very nice cuff with a great design. I have several pieces by him but they are older and not cast. Best of luck with your research. I’m sure there are people on this site who might be interested in purchasing and there are also private Facebook groups that are specifically for Native American enthusiasts and a good many of them allow sales.

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