Wishing all here a wonderful Christmas.
May the Spirit of this day remain in your soul and heart throughout the year.
I am sharing some 1907-1909 postcards that were sent to one of my ancestors.
Wishing all here a wonderful Christmas.
May the Spirit of this day remain in your soul and heart throughout the year.
I am sharing some 1907-1909 postcards that were sent to one of my ancestors.
A merry holiday to you @fernwood, and all others here. Thank you for sharing this bit of your family history, these are wonderful!
@fernwood Lovely vintage Christmas cards from your family. I usually don’t see them in such wonderful condition. The little girl standing under the mistletoe is a cute one. My favorites are the sweet kitten cards!
I have several albums full of pre-1930 postcards of my ancestors. Over 1000 total cards.
this is only about half of the Christmas ones.
I am partial to the kittens, too.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!
We used to have some panetone Christmas morning, till we discovered …KRINGLES (made in WI) oh. my. Heaven in a pastry
@fernwood, love your postcards!
Racine Kringles are the best of the best.
Yesss we are an OH Kringle family over here.
Happy Holidays to all
How did I live for years without them???
I’ve gifted them to so many friends!
If you want to get a little experimental and you enjoy almond flavoring, try their Seven Sisters coffeecake.
Ohhhh, that looks yummy too; I can just feel myself gaining weight by looking. Last Easter we got the raspberry one and that was really good, but the almond is still my favorite. I never heard of Kringles till Trader Joe’s came in, and my niece got me one for Christmas.
Last year, my daughter told her husband she wanted a Chocolate-Raspberry Kringle as a Birthday cake. He obliged.
I just thought I’d share some holiday pins that belonged to my late mother-in-law.
The reindeer looks like it was sand cast.
I’m not familiar with kringles, but they look delish! I love any kind of pastry!
I always make pizzelles at Christmas, keeping with my Italian heritage. I made these yesterday. (The plate is 195 years old)
Season’s Greetings to all - hope everyone had a lovely holiday ~
Well now. Those look yummy! And what a pretty design on them. How do you do that?
Love the jewelry and the antique plate!
They are thin waffle cookies.
I have a pizzelle machine, which is similar to a waffle maker.
The recipe has a whole stick of butter, so they are really fattening!
Butter makes everything better
Big fan of Italian Christmas cookies, and these look delicious, @Stracci!
Mike, you’re my paisano!
My family came from Palermo, L’Aquila(Abruzzo) and Naples. Same regions as you.
We are probably cousins, somehow!
You’re truly a Paisana, then @Stracci ! My mother’s family is from Summonte, Avelino, Campania - a mountain village not far from Naples, and Catalnissetta Sicily, with some family up in the North as well. My dad’s family has Sicilian roots too, but much farther back. I actually made a Sicilian Sugo al Arabiata for Christmas I call it my $100 sauce, because I spend than much on ingredients every time I make a batch. It’s worth it though!
Back on track: Un buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo a tutti! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all!