Mop fish scale bracelet

I scored this bracelet a couple of weeks ago. The seller indicated it is from the 1960’s. It is not hallmarked. She said there were a couple of brothers that created this work, but she could not remember their name. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The inlay extends from terminal to terminal.

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This is a beautiful Zuni bracelet. The style is sometimes referred to as fish scale. We get work like this from the Haloo family, maybe that is a name to start your research with.

The Haloos’ work is beautiful. Were members of the family working and not hallmarking in the 1960’s? This piece is flawless. Very pleased,

I am not sure. I will ask the next time I see them.

I just talked to a member of the Haloo family. They felt like the family who started this style had the last name Tsalabutie, and they also mentioned the Leekya family.

Jason, thank you so much. Thank the Haloo’s too.